FSP Series

FSP Series


Scum Skimmers
efficiently removes floating oils
and grease solids.


FHP Series

FHP Series


Decanting Pump
sludge surface monitoring mechanism
ensures that only the supernatant
water is discharged.


KE KS KW KM Series

KE/KS KW/KM Series


Power bar screens designed for removal of solids in pre-treatment process of wastewater.


JD Series

JD Series


Multi-Disc Dehydrator
Breakthrough multi-disc dehydrator
that consists of both resin and stainless
steel discs and is free from clogging.

MD MDC Seires

MD / MDC Series


Multi-Disc Screw Press Dehydrator.
Wide product line-up with treating
capacity in a range of 6 to 475 lbsDS/h.

MDQ Series

MDQ Series


Multi-disc screw-press dehydrators from Tsurumi is integrated with a screw shaft and is made of numerous fixed and movable discs that are placed alternately.

MDC Series

MDC Series


Multi-disc screw-press dehydrators feature treating capacities from 36 to 216 kg-DS/h, and a combination of multi-disc dehydrator.


MF Series

MF Series


The MF float switch uses weight as a fulcrum to turn up or down. It is a mini-float sensor that is the smallest size possible.

RF Series

RF Series


The MF float switch uses weight as a fulcrum to turn up or down. It is a mini-float sensor that is the smallest size possible, this can be used especially in single float so that it can monitor the cut-in and cutout of the water level.

MC series

MC Series


Float Switches Level Sensor is designed with a durable structure that has the ability to withstand impact caused by collision with piping or tank walls. It operates with trouble-free processes in water that has different types of suspended solids.

Contact Us

If you can’t find the products listed on this website, please send us an email, some of the pumps may not be listed on this website.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

P.O. Box 566 Stn. Central,  Calgary, AB  Canada T2P 2J2


​10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #25634,
Houston, TX 77043, USA


Canada: 587-779-5533
USA: 346-385-5575

