240 GPM Internal Bypass Relief Valve Pump – Tri-Rotor Model 200AX

Tri-Rotor Pump model 200AX, which shares common components with model 220TX, is in the largest family of Tri-Rotor bypass head pumps that incorporate an internal relief valve and provide constant flow rates. The oversized relief valve bypasses full flow directly from the discharge to the suction port when the set discharge pressure is achieved. Discharge may be restricted or blocked entirely without shock or chatter. The heavy duty pump serves a wide range of industrial markets and applications. Examples of the 200AX model’s diverse applications include pumping coal tar pitch, corn syrup, adhesive, styrene monomer, cutback asphalt, chlorinated oil, vegetable oil, petroleum crude, bight stock, and emulsifier.
The pump is designed with side suction and top discharge flanged ports and is available in both clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) rotations for pump installation flexibility. Materials of construction for the 200AX model include Iron Fitted, All Iron, Bronze Fitted, or All Bronze configurations. Two drain plugs, located on the shaft housing, are provided with every pump.
Specifications of the Tri-Rotor Bypass Head Pump Model 200AX:
- Flow rate: 58 to 240 GPM
- Viscosity range: 4 to 21,625 cPs (40 to 100,000 SSU)
- Inlet and Discharge Port size: 4” Flanged Ports
- Operating temperature range: -40 °F to 650 °F
- Maximum operating pressure: 100 PSI
- Pump displacement per revolution: 0.465 gal/rev
- Pump speed range: 125 to 520 RPM
- Solids passage available: 0.069 in.